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Chris Pratt Says Avengers: Infinity War Will Meet All Our Expectations

To say that there is a fair amount of hype for Avengers: Infinity War would be the understatement of the year. The Marvel Cinematic Universe has gone from strength to strength over the past ten years, with smash-hit movie after smash-hit movie, so now that we have reached the massive crossover event which is being touted as the final chapter of the entire franchise so far, fans are ecstatic to see how it unfolds.

To say that there’s a fair amount of hype for Avengers: Infinity War would be the understatement of the year. The Marvel Cinematic Universe has gone from strength to strength over the past decade, with smash-hit movie after smash-hit movie, so now that we’ve reached the massive crossover event which is being touted as the final chapter of the entire franchise so far, fans are ecstatic to see how it unfolds.

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As reliable as the MCU has become, however, there is the nagging worry that maybe it’ll fall at the last hurdle. After all, making a coherent, enjoyable film that stars upwards of 30 superheroes is no easy feat. You couldn’t blame the Russo brothers if the quality dropped a little under the enormous weight of it all.

But, according to one cast member, Infinity War is not going to disappoint in the slightest. In fact, fans should feel free to raise their expectations as high as they want, as according to Chris Pratt, the event movie to end all event movies will meet them.

“They’re embargoing everything and not letting us say anything because, I think, they know what they have. So I can say, in terms of expectations, raise ’em as high as you want because they will be met in this film.”

That’s a mighty statement from Pratt, and we hope his faith in the film holds up after we’ve all finally got the chance to check it out. Fans have a lot of things they wish to see occur in Infinity War, even if it’s just that the various characters each get their own moment in the spotlight and don’t feeling like set dressing. Apparently, though, we can all rest easy, knowing that the pic is going to be everything we hoped for and more.

Of course, right now, very few people can verify Pratt’s opinion, as Marvel Studios is keeping the full cut of the movie under lock and key. Expect the first reactions to surface tomorrow, though, when the world premiere of Avengers: Infinity War is held in LA, ahead of its release on Friday, April 27th.

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