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Deadpool 2: Is Pierce Brosnan In Contention For Cable Role?

The Merc With a Mouth has been hanging out with Pierce Brosnan, but is the former James Bond star in contention to play Cable in Deadpool 2?

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Deadpool 2 is currently without an official start date, but that has in no way quelled online speculation from raging across the four corners of the Internet.

The latest nugget has emerged via Ryan Reynolds’ personal Instagram feed (via Screen Rant), after the Merc With a Mouth himself posted a photo of him, Hugh Jackman and Pierce Brosnan pulling the ol’ ‘hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil’ pose. But does this indicate that the former James Bond star is in contention for the role of Cable in the David Leitch-directed sequel?

Bearing the caption ‘Wolvie. Bond. Wade.,” it’s far too soon to tell whether Brosnan is actually in the mix for Deadpool 2, or if this photo is nothing more than a red herring. What we do know is that Fox’s anti-hero sequel is beginning to coalesce following its recent creative setbacks – original director Tim Miller made for the exit door early on in production citing creative differences – meaning that the studio is surely beginning to cast the net for potential stars as they prepare to take Cable down to his essence.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Dolph Lundgren, and Avatar‘s Stephen Lang are just some of the other actors that have been linked with the villainous role in the past, but assuming Reynolds is referring to Deadpool 2 here, the team at 20th Century Fox may well have found their man. There’s also a supplementary Tweet from Hugh Jackman, who will soon be seen delivering one final performance as Wolverine for James Mangold’s Logan.

At the time of writing, the search for Cable continues unabated. Deadpool 2 is expected to begin filming sometime this year ahead of an expected release in 2018.

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