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Fans bank on Sony’s stupidity by petitioning for another ‘Morbius’ re-release

We'd feel pretty safe in calling this one unlikely.

Image via Sony

Just when you thought Morbin’ Time was over for good, which was a fair assumption after the Morbius re-release powered entirely by memes fell hilariously flat in spectacular style, a petition has reared its head to demand that Sony send Jared Leto’s debut as the Living Vampire back into theaters for a third time.

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Obviously, we should point out that the entire thing is highly tongue-in-cheek and positively dripping in sarcasm, but that hasn’t stopped almost 10,000 Morbheads from lending their backing to the campaign on Change.org. You can check out the reasoning behind the notion of Morbius V3.0 below, which is largely based around the fact “everyone was busy last weekend”.

“Dear Sony,

This weekend, excited fans across the world had the chance to once again see Morbius in the theaters. While this was an awesome opportunity, there was one problem: We were all busy this weekend. Some of us were washing our hair, some of us had to study, and some of us had just already made other plans. Please don’t interpret this as disinterest on our part. If you were to once again release Morbius in theaters, just let us know, and we will be there for sure. Unless something comes up. 


Fans of the Movies”

The Morbius craze had already jumped the shark once Leto decided to become an active participant in the bizarre phenomenon, but Sony themselves were guilty of outright idiocy by interpreting the unexpected love for the panned Marvel Comics adaptation as an outpouring of genuine affection. As the old saying goes, fool them twice…

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