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Gina Carano Proudly Posts Conspiracy Theory Meme On Twitter

Gina Carano continues her pro-disease campaigning with a post asking people to admit COVID conspiracy theories are true.

I hope you’re sitting down because I have some shocking news. Gina Carano just posted something incredibly stupid on Twitter. Yup, the famously level-headed former The Mandalorian star, renowned globally for her scientific rigor and fiercely inquisitive mind, shared an inane meme. Perhaps all those years being whacked in the head during her MMA career finally did a number on her…?

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Her latest is a meme that says one of the hardest things to say is “My conspiracy theorist friend was right”. I suspect that’s hard to say because it’s rarely, if ever, true. In fact, I’m betting a much harder thing to say to someone is “I’m afraid your father passed last night in the ICU due to complications from COVID”.

Since getting the boot by Disney for saying dumb things about the Holocaust, Carano has become a leading figure in the pro-disease movement. She regularly posts images designed to encourage her hundreds of thousands of followers to avoid the vaccine, meaning there’s a good chance she’s already helped kill off a decent amount of them.

That’s not hyperbole. Recent reports confirm that death rates are spiking in red counties where anti-vax beliefs have become part of the never-ending culture war. For many conservatives, remaining unvaccinated is a badge of honor, though a quick trip over to the sobering r/HermainCainAward on Reddit shows the potentially lethal consequences.

The only real question is whether Twitter will take any action against her. Her previous posts have been hit with “misinformation” tags and Twitter has said that any account consistently promoting anti-vax propaganda will be removed. After all, if they can ban Donald Trump they can certainly ban her.

A Twitter ban is likely to stop Gina Carano, but at least it’d stop her from doing so much active harm to people.

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