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Gina Carano’s First Movie After Disney Firing Has Been Cancelled

White Knuckle was going to be Gina Carano's comeback movie after being fired by Disney, but is now cancelled.

Gina Carano getting fired by Disney was inevitable. The last straw for the Mouse House was her sharing a post comparing being Republican to being Jewish during the Holocaust. The consequences were swift. Disney described her post as “abhorrent and unacceptable” and dropped her from The Mandalorian like a hot rock. Her agents followed suit and Hasbro even ended production of the Cara Dune action figure.

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This would have likely happened by now anyway, as Disney now requires anyone working on its productions to be vaccinated against COVID-19, and Carano spends most of her days posting anti-vax memes on Twitter. But the one ray of light for her was The Daily Wire’s offer of work on movies designed to fight “leftist causes.”

The first of these was to be White Knuckle, a revenge thriller about truckers. Announced with some fanfare in August, Carano said she was “completely ignited” for the role and that the movie made her feel “as if I have wings.” Well, those wings have now been clipped as The Daily Wire has canceled the movie.

The decision appears to be linked to Carano’s anti-vax beliefs, with their statement hinting that they’re struggling to square shooting a movie with the looming federal vaccine mandates. They said:

“With the precariousness of the current Hollywood landscape and the remarkable overreach by its ruling class, we made the tough, but prudent choice to ride further out into the wild west to make movies on our own terms.”

It seems they’re pressing ahead with Terror on the Prairie, a Western in which Carano will play a pioneer fighting against a group of outlaws. It’ll be made exclusively available on the Daily Wire website and is planned for release as soon as early 2022.

The Daily Wire may get a more realistic Wild West experience than they bargained for if they press on with plans to make movies with an unvaccinated cast and crew. After all, pioneers and settlers were frequently killed off by cholera, typhoid, and tuberculosis outbreaks, so the actors hacking up their lungs out as they try to film a Western might just add that crucial touch of realism to Gina Carano‘s next movie.

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