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Harrison Ford Reveals If He’d Ever Return To Star Wars

We all remember the moment, right? Han Solo, his copilot Chewbacca, and the young patriot, Finn (John Boyega) head off to find their friend Rey (Daisy Ridley) in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, who's been captured and interrogated by Ren and the First Order. Han and Chewy separate from Finn to plant bombs around the facility, and as they finish, Ren makes an appearance, walking out onto a catwalk. We don’t know how long it’s been since Han's seen his son, but the brave father, praying for a glimpse of his child, makes his way out there to confront him.

We all remember the moment, right?

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Han Solo, his copilot Chewbacca, and the young patriot, Finn (John Boyega) head off to find their friend Rey (Daisy Ridley) in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, who’s been captured and interrogated by Ren and the First Order. Han and Chewy separate from Finn to plant bombs around the facility, and as they finish, Ren makes an appearance, walking out onto a catwalk. We don’t know how long it’s been since Han’s seen his son, but the brave father, praying for a glimpse of his child, makes his way out there to confront him.

Han tells Ren to return with him to the light side, insisting that the evil powers that have corrupted him will eventually destroy him. It seems that Ben (that’s his real name) understands, as a few touching moments lead to him handing his lightsaber to Han. He asks for his help, but when Han goes to reach for the weapon, Ren activates it, stabbing his father right through the heart. In his final moments, Han touches Kylo’s face, and falls into the abyss below. That right there is the end of an era.

It was a heartbreaking moment for Star Wars fans everywhere, and more than likely, signaled the last time that we’d see Han Solo in that form. Although, this being a sci-fi franchise, one that’s brought characters back from the dead on a few occasions, many still wonder whether or not Harrison Ford might be tempted to return one day. As it turns out, the actor actually isn’t totally against that, but doesn’t seem terribly eager to do more.

Speaking to GQ in a recent interview, the Hollywood legend said the following when asked if he was really done with Star Wars:

GQ: When it comes to ‘Star Wars’, given the nature of science fiction, are you absolutely, incontrovertibly—

Ford: Dead?

GQ: —finished with ‘Star Wars’?

Ford: Um, I mean, I’m finished with Star Wars if Star Wars is finished with me.

GQ: And if ‘Star Wars’ isn’t finished with you?

Ford: I can’t imagine it. But it is science fiction. I’d rather not. You know, at this point I’d rather do something else. Just because it’s more interesting to do something new.

While he’s not completely closing the door on coming back, Ford does seem pretty reluctant to return to that galaxy far, far away. That’s not too surprising, either, given that he’s been vocal in the past about wanting the producers to kill off Han Solo. In fact, he’s been pushing for it to happen ever since Return of the Jedi.

With that in mind, it doesn’t sound like we’ll ever see the actor reprise his iconic role again, and that’s probably for the best, when you think about it. For one, it would cheapen his death in The Force Awakens and we’re also getting a Han Solo prequel film in the not too distant future. Sure, Ford might not be the one playing the smuggler, but fans will still get to spend time with the character.

What do you think, though? Should Harrison Ford one day return to Star Wars? Or is it better he stays away from the franchise? Sound off in the usual place!

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