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HBO Gives Two Thumbs Up For Deadwood Movie

An abrupt cancellation in 2006 may have cruelly taken the wind out of David Milch's sails when it comes to Deadwood, his critically acclaimed western drama that was taken off the air after only three seasons. Such a blow naturally led to mooted talk of a comeback, be it through an entirely new season ten years on or, on the other hand, a feature film. Well, according to TV Line, HBO has sided with the latter.


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An abrupt cancellation in 2006 may have cruelly taken the wind out of David Milch’s sails when it comes to Deadwood, his critically acclaimed western drama that was taken off the air after only three seasons. Such a blow naturally led to mooted talk of a comeback, be it through an entirely new season ten years on or, on the other hand, a feature film. Well, according to TV Line, HBO has sided with the latter.

In issuing the green-light on the rumored project, Michael Lombardo, Programming President at the network, spoke of his own excitement to bring back the beloved western, which for so long looked as though it was set to go down as a flash in the pan. For Lombardo, though, Series Creator Milch “has something left unsaid” when it comes to the titular gold-mining camp.

“I’m going to leave that in David’s hands,” Lombardo revealed “He’s confident he will be able to.” The cast is unbelievably [tight]. Some casts and creators form a bond that becomes relevant for the rest of their lives. This was a defining moment for a lot of them.”

Perhaps the one element buried in Lombardo’s impassioned statement that will please fans is how the executive is ensuring Milch has full creative control over the revival. There is one caveat to the good news, however; the scribe is currently in the thick of a project, though once it’s wrapped, writing the script for the Deadwood reunion will take priority.

So, clear your calendar, because David Milch’s gripping and brutal rendition of South Dakota is primed for a new lease of life, and while it isn’t likely to grace screens until early 2017, the fact that a Deadwood revival is now incubating development ought to be enough for long-term fans of Milch’s work.

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