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Here’s Why The Joker Origin Film Is A Really, Really Bad Idea

Sheesh. It's like DC is the gift that keeps on gifting. Not only does it feel like there's a new DCEU film announcement every other week, but now the latest report is that there will be a standalone Joker movie, produced by Martin Scorsese and written by Todd Phillips, no less. This Clown Prince of Crime solo outing won't involve Jared Leto, however, as it'll explore the origins of a much younger Mr. J in a gritty, crime drama. But this doesn't mean that Leto has hung up the purple coat, though, as he's purportedly still signed on for Gotham City Sirens and Suicide Squad 2. Wait, what?

It’s Unnecessary

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Ultimately, though, a Joker origin tale is not required. There are dozens of other DC characters that deserve some TLC, but the studio keeps revisiting the usual suspects. Where’s Lobo, or Martian Manhunter, or even Swamp Thing? Do we really need to see another iteration of the Joker so soon?

Surely, a separate universe or spinoff film should be for the superheroes and supervillains that don’t quite fit into the current mould. Instead, you’ll have Leto doing his hunka-hunka in the DCEU and then another actor doing his thing elsewhere. Considering it’s the same medium, it’s the equivalent of throwing two actors into a lion’s den and telling them to fight to the death. Heck, we can already see all the hate-fueled arguments on the net about who’s the better psychopath.

Aren’t we past the need for origin stories in comic book movies? By now, if you don’t know who or what the character’s about, you’ll probably never know. In the case of the Joker, we’re talking about one of the greatest antagonists in popular culture. He simply needs no introduction.

Tell us, do you think the Joker origin film is a bad idea? Let us know in the usual place!

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