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‘I knew Zack was ahead of the curve’: Someone with an opinion that actually matters praises Snyder’s influence on superhero cinema

He didn't call him the blueprint, but it was pretty close.

watchmen 2009
via Warner Bros.

Regardless of how you feel about him on a personal or professional level, one thing that’s been clear for decades is that actors absolutely love working with Zack Snyder, seeing as virtually every single one of his highest-profile collaborators has nothing but the highest of praise for him as a human being and filmmaker.

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On the other side of the coin, though, it would be an understatement to say that a certain subset of his supporters border on the fanatical, with the rampant desire to tear down everything DC has done in the years since Snyder first departed Justice League having long since grown nauseous.

If you’ve been on the internet more than once in the last half a decade, then you’ll be fully aware that a lot of people love to claim that “Zack Snyder is the blueprint” whenever a blockbuster does anything that’s even vaguely reminiscent of the original DCU architect’s back catalogue.

via Warner Bros.

While he didn’t quite come right out and say it, Watchmen star Patrick Wilson nonetheless came pretty damn close when discussing his adoration of the polarizing adaptation in an interview with ReelBlend.

Watchmen is the only movie of mine that I have watched front to back since a premiere – that movie is awesome. I just wanted to look at it as an older guy, as a filmmaker. I knew Zack was ahead of the curve. It’s weird to say that audiences weren’t ready for it. But you need a movie like that. You need movies to go so dark that then Avengers can go so light. I do believe in that.”

There’s going to be plenty of folks who agree with Wilson’s assessment, and just as many in vehement opposition, but that’s simply the effect Snyder has, had, and will no doubt continue to have on the comic book movie circuit.

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