If you’re like me, then you have been waiting with bated breath for the next Shia LaBeouf film. I mean, after Lawless, why wouldn’t you want to see LaBeouf in everything ever? He’s a Method Actor, guys. A Method Actor.
You can stop holding your breath now. The first image of Shia LaBeouf in The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman has hit via The Playlist, and it’s totally, 100% not creepy or slimy. It shows our Mr. LaBeouf as Charlie Countryman getting close to Gabi, a Romanian knockout played by Evan Rachel Wood. That hair! That beard! That mood-lighting that looks like it’s right out of a porn film! I cannot wait!
The plot apparently centers around Charlie Countryman, a man traveling abroad (as men do), who falls for Gabi. Gabi meanwhile is dealing with problems brought on by charismatic and nasty ex Nigel (Mads Mikkelsen). Charlie decides that he’s going to get Gabi to love him, or die trying. Given the title, is it too much to guess that he might die trying?
Both a Sundance and Berlin premiere have been discussed, but The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman has yet to secure a distributor or release date. With a fairly high-profile cast headed by LaBeouf and Wood and including secondary players Til Schweiger, Rupert Grint (wait … Ron?!), Melissa Leo and James Buckley, there’s little doubt that the film will secure a release date soon. And while I’m still a bit creeped out/disgusted by Shia LaBeouf in general, there’s no saying that it’s not a good film. At least Evan Rachel Wood looks like she’s OK with him; but this is also the woman who dated Marilyn Manson.
We’ll keep you updated  about The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman as news comes in. Until then, bask in the mood-lit glory of the first image below.
Published: Dec 4, 2012 11:29 am