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Iron Man And Spider-Man’s Moment In Avengers: Infinity War Is One Of The MCU’s Most Important Scenes

Iron Man and Spider-Man share a very emotional moment in Avengers: Infinity War, which might just be one of the MCU's most important scenes.

It’s One of the MCU’s Darkest Moments

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With its glossier cinematography and quips about shawarma and Footloose, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is generally known for its fun and frolics. Though this humor has long been a point of criticism for some more serious-minded superhero movie fans, it’s endeared Marvel’s output to countless others. However, it’s not always fun and games in the MCU.

For every “twelve percent of a plan” gag, there’s the death of Ho Yinsen and the twisted trauma of Black Widow’s origins to contend with. And behind every “puny god” we witness the disturbing time loops where Doctor Strange repeatedly sacrifices himself for humanity, and the goriness of Ego reassembling his body.

The case of Spider-Man’s death in Infinity War joins this growing list of grim moments in the MCU, and it will no doubt stand tall among these sequences for years to come. Indeed, it’s a heartbreaking – and quite plausible – scenario, of a child pleading to their friend (and substitute father figure) to be spared from their inevitable death. It proves that for all their family friendliness, Marvel isn’t afraid to occasionally push boundaries with scenes of intense distress.

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