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James Gunn Talks Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 And 3; Will One Of The Avengers Appear?

Guardians Of The Galaxy blew up at the box office last summer and landed near universal acclaim to boot. That winning combination of profit and praise quickly sent a sequel into development, where it's now bubbling away ahead of its 2017 release. Writer-director James Gunn has drafted story sketches for Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 (which may be titled Guardians 3000) following a successful pitch meeting with Marvel's creative heads, and is cooking up a preliminary first draft as we speak.

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Guardians Of The Galaxy blew up at the box office last summer and scored universal acclaim to boot. That winning combination of profit and praise quickly sent a sequel into development, where it’s now bubbling away ahead of its 2017 release. Writer-director James Gunn has drafted story sketches for Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 (which may be titled Guardians 3000) following a successful pitch meeting with Marvel’s creative heads, and is cooking up a preliminary first draft as we speak.

As the scripting wheels are only just beginning to turn, story details on the Guardians’ next adventure are being kept relatively quiet. But, thanks to a Vulture reporter at the Avengers: Age Of Ultron premiere last night, according to Gunn, the matter of Star-Lord’s parentage may come into play:

“There’s a lot of stuff I’m excited about in the new movie,” he said. “Listen, I’m still excited about Star-Lord’s character and where he goes. At its heart, Guardians is a story about families, and if the first film was about him and his mother, this is a story about fathers. So it’s exciting to go there.”

One of the biggest mysteries surrounding the Guardians’ self-appointed leader is his heritage. In the comics, his mother falls pregnant after a whirlwind romance with a stranger from another galaxy and nine months later little Peter Quill (Star-Lord’s birth name) popped out. His half-human, half-alien genetic makeup is revealed at the end of the first Guardians, so it makes perfect sense for Gunn to address the topic in the sequel. Or will he wait until the threequel?

“I knew for a long time what the story of the second one was gonna be,” he said, before pausing to tease, “And the third one!”

The fact that Gunn has planned out two sequels may lend credence to another circulating rumor concerning the appearance of an Avenger in Guardians 2. If you don’t wish to read what could potentially be a MAJOR SPOILER for the sequel, then click away now!

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