UPDATE: We just heard from our friends at FOX that McAvoy and Fassbender are not up for the same role. This means that we very well could be seeing the two actors together on the big screen once again.
Well this is an odd turn of events. James McAvoy has replaced his X-Men: First Class co-star Michael Fassbender in Danny Boyle‘s upcoming film Trance. Variety is telling us that the Scottish actor is in early discussions for the lead role now that Fassbender has dropped out.
It would have been fantastic to see the two actors on screen together here but I guess we can’t have it all. We already saw them go head to head in X-Men: First Class and considering that they’re both incredibly talented young actors, I’m fine with either one of them taking the lead role here.
As for the film itself, it’s an “art heist gone wrong” movie that will have McAvoy playing the leader of the gang that attempts to pull of the heist. Aiming for a 2013 release date, this one is still a ways off but that pairing of McAvoy and Boyle is more than enough to get me excited.
Plus, I generally do enjoy heist films and to be honest, I think McAvoy is a better choice for this role than Fassbender. They’re both fantastic actors but for some reason I just have an easier time seeing McAvoy as the gang leader.
What do you think? McAvoy or Fassbender? Who would have been better for the role?
Published: Jun 23, 2011 11:18 PM UTC