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James Wan Fires Back At Backlash Against New Aquaman Trailer

Arthur Curry spent much of Justice League fighting against Steppenwolf and those nasty Parademons up on the surface, but make no mistake about it, Aquaman will plunge Jason Momoa's titular DC hero right beneath the ocean, where he'll have to prove his worth as the would-be king of Atlantis.

Arthur Curry spent much of Justice League fighting against Steppenwolf and those nasty Parademons up on the surface, but make no mistake about it, Aquaman will plunge Jason Momoa’s titular DC hero right beneath the ocean, where he’ll have to prove his worth as the would-be king of Atlantis.

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Set to swim into theaters later this year, on December 21st, the James Wan-directed spinoff is quickly approaching and to get us all excited, Warner Bros. dropped a dazzling new trailer last week. It was spectacular in every sense of the word, but at 5 minutes in length, some fans have cried out that it gave away far too much. If you ask Wan, though, what we saw “barely scratched the surface.”

Hopping on Twitter, here’s what the always vocal filmmaker shared:

Trailers contain spoilers by nature. So if you don’t want anything spoilt, don’t see it. But I can say this — this 5-min trailer barely scratches the surface of the actual movie.

Of course, given how much difficulty the DCEU has faced in recent years, Warner Bros. needs to do everything they can to ensure that Aquaman clicks with fans more than the commercially underwhelming Justice League did. And if the only real complaint that people have so far is that the studio’s revealing too much, then that’s hardly the worst thing in the world.

Still, the franchise is clearly going through a rough period of change at the moment, which certainly puts a fair amount of pressure on Wan’s film to show that this cinematic universe still has a worthwhile future in it. And though early test screening reactions suggest that Aquaman is an enjoyable, though not exactly mind-blowing picture, studio head Toby Emmerich on the other hand, is a fair bit more enthusiastic, saying that the film strikes a perfect balance between “fun and jeopardy, edge and wonder, comedy and tragedy.”

I guess we’ll find out in just a few months’ time, eh?

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