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Johnny Depp’s Maid Shares Photographic Proof That Amber Heard Defecated In His Bed

The legal battle between Johnny Depp and ex-wife Amber Heard has resulted in them both seeing their names dragged through the mud for years now, and there doesn't seem to be an end in sight anytime soon. And if you thought the weird stuff that's come out of court so far was bad, rest assured that it can get stranger and more disgusting than you ever imagined.

Pirates of the Caribbean Depp

The legal battle between Johnny Depp and ex-wife Amber Heard has resulted in them both seeing their names dragged through the mud for years now, and there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight anytime soon. And if you thought the weird stuff that’s come out of court so far was bad, rest assured that it can get stranger and more disgusting than you ever imagined.

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Depp’s maid, Hilda Vargas, took pictures of the alleged poop that Heard took on Depp’s bed after an argument and they’re as gross as you might expect. Though Heard has stated that it must’ve been one of her dogs, Pistol or Boo, Vargas recently went on record stating that she doesn’t believe that to be the case.

In a written statement, she recounted the incident:

She was pointing to the bed and told me that she couldn’t believe what she had found. I pulled back the top sheet on the bed and saw a large pile of feces. I was horrified and disgusted. It was clear to me that this was human feces. I knew that the feces could not have come from either of Mr. Depp’s or Ms. Heard’s two small dogs.

So far, it’s been pretty apparent throughout the court case that Heard has been the primary abuser in the relationship. This poop incident is just one of multiple accusations of abuse against her, with court documents, audio clips and testimonies alleging that she punched Depp in the face, was abusive during a time when his children were home and may or may not have severed his finger by throwing a bottle of vodka at him.

Heard continues to state that most of these alleged attacks were misrepresented, but evidence seems to be piling against her more and more by the day. The Aquaman actress and L’Oreal spokesperson even went so far as to hire a private investigator to look into Depp’s history to see what kind of dirt she could find on him. Instead, the investigator heard only wonderful things about Johnny Depp, resulting in a complete backfiring of Heard’s plan to take him down. So, clearly, things aren’t looking good for her. Only time will tell though how this story finishes playing out for the two ex-lovers.

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