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Kevin Smith Doesn’t Think Disney’s Being Greedy Over Spider-Man

During the Fatman Beyond podcast, Kevin Smith and Marc Bernardin weighed in on the Spider-Man showdown between Disney and Sony.


When it comes to comic book commentary, the Fatman Beyond podcast with Kevin Smith and Marc Bernardin is second to none.

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And in order to recap what’s been a bumper week for comic book news – both on-screen and off – the duo posted a super-sized two-hour episode late yesterday evening, with the crux of the conversation orbiting around Spider-Man.

Because unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past 72 hours, far from the nearest Wi-Fi connection, you’ll know all too well that Sony and Disney’s 2015 agreement is dead, effectively bringing an end to Peter Parker’s time in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It’s a news item that has prompted online petitions and a collective sense of confusion – if both parties were benefiting from Spidey’s tenure in the MCU, why ruin a good thing?

But, of course, this deal is much more nuanced, as The Hollywood Reporter brings word that, while Disney was already in possession of the merchandising rights for Spider-Man, the Mouse House sought a 30 percent stake in future grosses. Other outlets claim that that figure stretches as high as 50 percent, which, for the sake of perspective, would have resulted in Disney banking close to $600 million thanks to Far From Home.

And while the Internet appears to be up in arms, last night Kevin Smith weighed in on the contentious debate, stating:

I don’t know if my disappointment is, ‘Aw man, Kevin Feige is not gonna do Spider-Man,’ although that’s a big part of it, my bigger disappointment is I liked him mixed up in the Marvel Universe, that’s what’s gonna fuckin’ go away. That’s what I’ll miss.

Asked straight-up about his feelings toward Disney, and Smith was more relaxed, even going so far as to say that he doesn’t believe the Mouse House is being greedy by asking for a greater share.

I loved what they were doing. They had a great thing fuckin’ going on, and some people are like, ‘Disney is being greedy and shit.’ I don’t see it that way. I see it as, they did all the work, they made those movies earn a fuck-ton of dough, they got 5% and the toys. They’re coming back to the table, they’re asking for something more.

Food for thought, then. Particularly with the Save Spider-Man hashtags ricocheting off the walls of the Internet. But, more importantly, are you inclined to agree with Kevin Smith? Do let us know.

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