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Live-Action Spider-Verse Fan Art Brings Back Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse was a blast when it arrived last December, but as good as the animated movie was fans really want to see something similar done in live-action. Imagine a crossover film that brought back, say, original Spider-man Tobey Maguire? What would that be like? Well, it would probably be something like this. 

Spider-Man 2

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse was a blast when it arrived last December, but as good as the animated movie was fans really want to see something similar done in live-action. Imagine a crossover film that brought back, say, original Spider-Man Tobey Maguire? What would that be like? Well, it would probably be something like this.

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Fan artist Boss Logic recently created an awesome poster for a live-action Spider-Verse movie – as in the animation made in live-action, like a Disney remake. In the lead role of Miles Morales, BL has cast Jorge Lendeborg Jr., who Spidey fans already known as Jason Ionello in Spider-Man: Homecoming and Far From Home. Hailee Steinfeld naturally reprises her role as Spider-Gwen from the animated version, while Maguire is Peter B. Parker, of course.

Casting Maguire as Peter B. is perfect as it’s previously been revealed that the filmmakers thought about making this alt-Spidey explicitly an older version of the one from the Sam Raimi trilogy, with Maguire considered to voice the part. However, it was ultimately decided that might confuse things for more casual cinemagoers so Peter B. Parker was created as a distinct character, voiced by Jake Johnson. Although, Spider-Verse was still littered with Raimi easter eggs.

Likewise, Tom Holland recently dropped the bombshell that he was due for a vocal cameo in Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse but it was removed from the final cut of the movie for unknown reasons. For his part, Holland would love to do a live-action crossover film with not just Maguire but Andrew Garfield, his predecessor in the role, as well. It’s not entirely off the cards either, apparently, as Sony’s Amy Pascal has said that “everything’s possible” when asked about the chances of such a team-up occurring.

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