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Man Of Steel Trailer Leaks From Comic-Con

Earlier today, Warner Brothers showed off the Man of Steel trailer at Comic-Con. Though it wasn't made available online, we did see numerous descriptions and reactions to the footage, all of which have been oh so tantalizing. If anything, the reports have only made us even more eager to see the footage ourselves and now, thanks to a guest in attendance at the panel, we have the trailer itself, in all its low-res glory.

You can watch the video below but like I said, while it is the Man of Steel trailer, it may be a bit of a let down. It’s really tough to make anything out and really, all you can get from it is the audio, along with a few quick images.

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Nevertheless, if you really can’t wait till Friday, give it a view and see what you think. Don’t say we didn’t warn you about the quality though.

Just to assist you guys, since we know the quality is so bad, we have posted the description from one of our earlier posts below. Check it out as it will explain some of what’s going on.

Please note: We do not own this video nor did we upload it, we found it on another website and have no control over it, so apologies in advance if it goes down.

  • We see flashes of Smallville. The farm house. Clark running in a red cape as a child.
  • This looks VERY different from Superman films of the past
  • An older, bearded Clark walks a snowy road in an arctic town.
  • We hear Russell Crowe’s voice talking about children being inspired to greater things
  • It sounds like it’s cut with Kevin Costner’s voice. Both fathers are giving Clark/Kal advice on how to become who he wants to be
  • We see Clark being brought to the Kent barn and shown the spaceship that has been hidden there
  • Clark holds a small piece of metal with the S logo on the end
  • We’re jumping back and forth through time periods
  • Clark, as a teen, saved a bus of kids
  • The bus crashed in the water and we see him swimming, pulling the door off
  • “People are afraid of what they don’t understand,” says Costner
  • We see Clark talking to Jor-El. They’re standing right in front of one another, but I think it’s a holographic projection (though it looks live)
  • We see Superman in the suit. First from a distance and then walking across a snowy plain
  • There are flashing of Superman flying and one of him catching someone falling off a building
  • A single flash of Amy Adams’ Lois Lane
  • One flash has Superman (in costume) — seemingly in handcuffs — being led down a hallway by a security force
  • We see Clark (without seeing his face) stepping into an elevator and begin to lift glasses to his face
  • There’s a flash of Clark, shirtless, with his whole body on fire
  • Another of him crashing into the bank vault we saw in the first still. It looks like he’s been thrown.
  • I’m not great at describing music, but it’s decidedly more somber than Williams’s score.
  • The whole look of it has a very dark, autumny feel to it all.
  • There’s a major discussion in the narration about the world turning against Superman because they don’t trust him if he ever appears.
  • There’s a flash of Zod, but literally so fast you just see his face.
  • Apparently someone witnessed young Clark as a child saving the bus with his powers.
  • None of the trademark Snyder shots in the trailer. No slo-mo or shuttery frames
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