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Tom Holland Tops Tobey Maguire In Favorite Spider-Man Poll

A poll on Cosmic Book News has shown that Marvel fans prefer Tom Holland's take on Spider-Man more than they do Tobey Maguire's.


With Spider-Man: Far From Home closing in on $1 billion at the global market, our favorite neighborhood wed-head’s been swinging around a lot of people’s minds recently.

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And with that knowledge, Cosmic Book News decided to figure out exactly which Spider-Man’s their favorite. Well, the results of their Facebook poll pitting Tom Holland against Tobey Maguire are in, and with over 5,400 votes, the numbers are leaning heavily towards the latest Peter Parker.

Holland, the 23-year-old English actor, burst onto the MCU scene in 2016’s Captain America: Civil War, quickly garnering fan approval with his youthful look and equally boyish charm. After starring in two solo films, as well as appearing in both Infinity War and Endgame, it seems that Holland’s still got that approval. In a rather surprising landslide, he took home 68 percent of the vote.

Now Maguire, who lost with the remaining 32 percent, still has his supporters (myself included). His version of Peter Parker was the main character in the three Sam Raimi Spider-Man films. And within those, Spider-Man 2 is still considered one of the greatest superhero movies of all time.

But what Marvel fans like about Holland over Maguire is the convincing portrayal of a young hero. Whereas Holland was 19 when he first donned the suit, Maguire was 27. As one commenter on the poll pointed out, the English actor’s been able to grow into the role more authentically.

You can check out some more of the comments down below:

“I like Tom but I don’t like his suit. It should just be a normal suit and him using his own power and mind like the other Spider-Man have done.”

“Tom beats Tobey and Andrew both 10 times out of 10, and Andrew beats Tobey just as many times as Tom beats them both.”

“How is this even a contest? Holland hands down is the best Spider-Man. Toby’s version in whiney geeking and annoying while the movies are corny as Hell.”

But if you’re like me and appreciate the Tobey Maguire films more, don’t worry. Plenty of fans came to the defense of the older movies:

“Tobey Maguire really represented what it meant to be Spider-Man. His life always sucked no matter what and he still got back up every time to be Spider-Man because that’s what it meant to be a hero. Plus he’s not in High School for the entire time just like comic Spider-Man. Plus Tobey Maguire had an Uncle Ben who taught him to be a hero, unlike Tom Holland’s character. And Tobey had many more flushed out supporting characters who weren’t there for forced comic relief like in Spider-Man Far from Home.”

“Tom Holland doesn’t really capture Spider-Man all that well in Spider-Man: Far From Home. The ending scene with Spider-Man, Mysterio and the drones was the most Spider-Man scene we’ve had in the MCU. But if you really want to see Spider-Man betrayed the way he supposed to be, go watch Spider-Man 2 with Tobey Maguire and play Spider-Man PS4.”

“Tobey’s Spider-Man costume is spot on, both 1 and 2 movies blow Holland’s pc movies out of the water and Tobey plays a better Peter and well his MJ destroys his PC version of MJ.”

So Spider-Man fans, why don’t you go ahead and throw your two cents into the mix? Tell us, which Spidey’s earned his place in your heart? Drop a comment down below and let your voice be heard.

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