Remy – Cloverfield Vs. Gojira
No, not the band. You know, Godzilla? Yes, that thing, fighting that big ass, ugly bat-mutant from Cloverfield. I like old school monsters, and I like them big, and rather than pluck some easy ones from Pacific Rim, I figured I would go with a classic, and a neo-classic. Now keep in mind, I don’t think that the Cloverfield monster would do too well against anything, strictly because of how it is built and moves, and Godzilla is just a big, mutant monster, so I am sure Clovie would get his ass kicked, but still, if it was done right, with proper CG work, this fight could be epic. I am thinking it takes place in Los Angeles and the entirety of that city gets leveled as they just go SUPERMAN VERSUS DOOMSDAY on each other. Come on, you know you would see the shit out of that.
Just remember to take a Dramamine first.
Nato – The Strangers Vs. The You’re Next Animals
Alright, I know You’re Next hasn’t been released yet, but you can get a pretty damn good idea that these home invaders aren’t ones to be fucked with – and neither are “The Strangers.” Sure, I could have gone with other movies like The Purge and whatnot, but by going The Strangers vs. You’re Next, you’ve got a fair three vs. three fight, and they’re both wearing equally creepy masks! Talk about your cat and mouse game from hell…
Now the setup for this would have to be a lot like You’re Next in the sense that we’ve got to have a mansion big enough for “The Animals” to break in one end, and “The Strangers” to break in the other. Think about an unsuspecting family enojying a lavish getway in the middle of nowhere, only to encounter two psychopathic groups of invaders? How do you even react? Just imagine a character standing in the middle of a long hallway, looking down one end to see a man wearing a sheep’s mask with a crossbow, while on the other end is a man with a sack on his head and a blunt object. What do you do? You run, you hide, you stay out of sight, and you hope a battle royale sees only one evil survivor too weak to fight on – unless they team up.