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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: Giving Thanks To The Best Moments From 2013’s Horror Crop

Ah, the Thanksgiving season. Time to stuff ourselves silly, unbutton our pants, and pray that Eli Roth finally turns his Grindhouse "Thanksgiving" trailer into the modern-day holiday slasher feature it deserves to be. What! There just aren't enough Thanksgiving themed horror movies, don't you agree? Sure, we've got Thankskilling and Thankskilling 3 (the movie so "good" it skipped a sequel), but let's just say those are more acquired taste - no matter how many times Turkie says, "Gobble Gobble, mother fucker!"

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Ah, the Thanksgiving season. Time to stuff ourselves silly, unbutton our pants, and pray that Eli Roth finally turns his Grindhouse “Thanksgiving” trailer into the modern-day holiday slasher feature it deserves to be. What! There just aren’t enough Thanksgiving themed horror movies, don’t you agree? Sure, we’ve got Thankskilling and Thankskilling 3 (the movie so “good” it skipped a sequel), but let’s just say those are more acquired taste – no matter how many times Turkie says, “Gobble Gobble, mother fucker!”

Aside from being a time of glutenous nirvana where you remember just how much your family embarrasses you, Thanksgiving is also about giving thanks, and between Remy and myself, we have plenty to be thankful for. We’re thankful to be alive, we’re thankful people read our articles, and we’re thankful for having such a badass group of readers who are just as sick and twisted as we are. You all rock, and don’t forget we count our blessings every day above ground.

We’re also thankful for horror, of course, and we’ve got yet another year’s worth of movies to search through for shining moments that highlight why we love what we do. These aren’t just movie specific things either, and can be general happenings around the horror genre, but in the spirit of pumpkin flavored everything, join two horror fans as they give thanks to yet another year of thrills, chills, scares, and everything else that goes bump in the night!

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