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Netflix Users Are Already Asking For A Project Power Sequel

The film has only been out for a day, but already folks are asking for a sequel to Project Power, which stars Jamie Foxx and Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

Project Power

Netflix dropped their latest blockbuster original this week in the form of Project Powera superhero action pic with some solid Marvel and DC pedigree behind it. Jamie Foxx (The Amazing Spider-Man 2) and Joseph Gordon-Levitt (The Dark Knight Rises) star, while The Batman‘s Mattson Tomlin penned the script. Not bad, right?

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There was a lot of hype around the film ahead of its release and now that it’s here, it seems that it’s gone down pretty well with subscribers. Many people are really digging the high-concept premise and fresh take on what’s become a stale formula in recent years. In other words, it’s another big hit for Netflix.

And as with most of the streamer’s other recent success stories, folks are already campaigning for a sequel. Indeed, Project Power certainly has franchise potential and there are several interesting directions that a follow-up could head in. It remains to be seen if Netflix will order up more, but below you can see that if they do, there’d clearly be a lot of very, very happy people.





Of course, whether we get a sequel or not will all come down to those all-important viewing figures. But judging by the reception online so far and how much buzz the pic is getting right now, we imagine they’ll be impressive. It’s clear Netflix is looking for some more franchise-starters, too, and Project Power could definitely be the beginning of an exciting new series for them.

But tell us, have you had a chance to check out the streaming giant’s latest original yet? And if so, would you like to see a sequel? As usual, let us know in the comments section down below.

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