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Vision Is In Trouble In New Avengers: Infinity War Set Video

With filming now well underway on Avengers: Infinity War, fresh details continue to leak from the production. After commencing in Atlanta, the cast and crew have now moved overseas to Edinburgh, Scotland, where a surreptitious video shot near the set reveals Paul Bettany's Vision under attack.

With filming now well underway on Avengers: Infinity War, fresh details continue to leak from the production. After commencing in Atlanta, the cast and crew have now moved overseas to Edinburgh, Scotland, where a surreptitious video shot near the set reveals Paul Bettany’s Vision under attack.

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The return of Vision (together with Scarlet Witch) was confirmed in on set photos released yesterday, showing the pair on the city streets dealing with unknown adversaries. Now, Twitters user Mundo Vengador has helped fill in the blanks a little, with a brief video of Vision tangling with a staff wielding villain before being violently jerked into the air.

We have no idea who the Vision’s opponent might be, given that the actor is wearing a mocap suit, but he must be pretty powerful to be able to dispatch of the character so easily. Could this be the first glimpse of Kong: Skull Island mocap actor Terry Notary, who recently confirmed he’d be playing one of Thanos’ henchmen? Perhaps.

Either way, things don’t look too rosy for the Vision. The source of his powers is the Mind Stone lodged in his forehead, which also happens to be the very thing galactic ultravillain Thanos needs to complete his Infinity Gauntlet. If this is the end for Vision, Paul Bettany’s otherworldly take on the character would definitely be missed. Still, heroes will fall next summer in Avengers: Infinity War, and Vision may be just one casualty of many.

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