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Not Even Robert Downey Jr. Got To Read The Full Avengers: Infinity War Script

We've heard that the cast of Avengers: Infinity War wasn't allowed to read the full script and apparently that extended to RDJ, too.

In today’s digital age, it’s undeniably harder to keep spoilers under wraps than ever before. Years ago, we had to wait for which of our favorite magazines had the latest exclusive to hit stands, but now, anyone with a cell phone has the potential to leak the juiciest of information onto the internet. Thus, it’s very much understandable that the folks at Marvel Studios keep their cards as close to their vest as humanly possible when it comes to anything regarding Avengers: Infinity War.

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And while none of us outside the blockbuster movie’s production have laid eyes on the script, you’d think that those starring in it know the score, right? Well, it turns out not even the Godfather of the Marvel Cinematic Universe himself, Robert Downey Jr., was allowed to get his hands on the full thing.

Speaking at a recent press event in Singapore, the actor confirmed as much, saying:

“Joe, when are you gonna show us the script? We’ve been shooting scenes blind. We don’t know what they might mean.”

Though he could just be joking, we don’t think that’s the case. This is far from the first time we’ve heard about how the directors withheld the script from the cast and just a few days ago, the Russos mentioned that a lot of the actors actually got fake pages, meaning no one knows what’s really going to happen.

“We can divulge nothing at this point. We worked really hard to protect the secrets of the movie because this is the end of 10 years of storytelling and I think a lot of people [have] emotionally invested quite a bit into the Marvel Universe so we want to make sure they have the best experience they can have when they go in to see the movie.”

“We wrote fake pages for the script, we distributed fake pages. None of the actors have actually read the entire script, the real script. Very few people actually know what’s going to happen in the movie.”

Avengers: Infinity War is set to be the culmination of a decade long journey, one that’ll no doubt bring with it tons of shocks and surprises. As such, it’s perfectly understandable that Marvel’s going to such extreme lengths to keep everything under wraps – including even leaving RDJ in the dark. Whether all the secrecy will pay off or not we’ll know quite soon, as the event movie to end all event movies hits theaters on April 27th.

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