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Not Even Superman Could Locate This Batman V Superman Easter Egg First Time Round

Have a gander at the Easter egg that even the Man of Steel overlooked in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice.

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Six months on from the release of Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, and ardent fans continue to pour over each and every frame of Zack Snyder’s divisive tentpole in the hope of locating Easter eggs and never-before-seen secrets.

Case in point: Uproxx brings word of a new tidbit to emerge onto the interwebs relating to Dawn of Justice and, specifically, a crucial moment in the battle between the Dark Knight and Henry Cavill’s Man of Steel. In bolstering his arsenal against Supes, Ben Affleck’s Caped Crusader engineers canisters of Kryptonite that are lined with lead and, much like Superman’s inability to foresee the bomb stowed away in the Capitol building, Batman’s method of approach meant he could bring the Last Son of Krypton down to equal footing by dousing him in Kryptonite gas.

If you look closely enough at the image above, you’ll spot PB scored onto each projectile – that stands for lead on the Periodic Table Of Elements – a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it reference that was later confirmed by Clay Enos, the still photographer that worked on Batman V Superman and has since shared scores of concept art and behind-the-scenes photos.

Per Twitter:

Easter eggs aside, the negative backlash against Batman V Superman – not to mention the underwhelming Suicide Squad – has prompted a little soul-searching at Warner Bros. Ben Affleck, for instance, was elected to an executive producer role on Justice League to better iron out the kinks, while chairman and CEO Jeff Bewkes conceded just recently that there is still “room for improvement” within the DC film slate. No pressure, Wonder Woman.

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