Anne Hathaway has been confirmed as playing the role of Fantine in the upcoming film adaptation of Les Miserables, co-starring Hugh Jackman and Russell Crowe and directed by Tom Hooper (The King’s Speech).
In the film, Jackman will play the lead, Jean Valjean, and Crowe will be portraying Inspector Javert. Hathaway helps round out this stellar cast that also includes Helena Bonham Carter and possibly Geoffrey Rush.
While Anne Hathaway and James Franco‘s duo hosting gig at the Oscars proved to be fatal, the actress still managed to sing “On My Own” from Les Miserables, and she proved great chemistry with Hugh Jackman as demonstrated in the previous year’s Oscars. She definitely seems to be the right actress for such a coveted role.
Between the solid casting and the directorial smarts brought on by Tom Hooper, I’m definitely planning on seeing this adaptation of Les Miserables. What do you think, will you be checking this one out when it hits theatres?
Published: Oct 18, 2011 02:02 pm