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First Official Look At The Joker In Suicide Squad

In honor of the character's 75th anniversary, director David Ayer has Tweeted out the very first official image of Jared Leto as the Joker in Suicide Squad. As expected, it's drastically different than anything we've seen in the past and a huge departure from both Jack Nicholson and Heath Ledger's version of the character. That being said, it's pretty damn awesome and incredibly creepy.

In honor of the character’s 75th anniversary, director David Ayer Tweeted out the very first official image of Jared Leto as the Joker in Suicide Squad last night. As expected, it’s drastically different than anything we’ve seen in the past and a huge departure from both Jack Nicholson and Heath Ledger’s version of the character. That being said, it’s pretty damn awesome and Leto has once again proven himself as an actor who’s capable of a tremendous physical transformation. Now that we've had some time to take in the character's new look and get acquainted with it, it's time to analyze it a bit further and see if there's any clues as to what Ayer has in store for us once his film hits theatres. Join us as we look at 5 key takeaways from this first official look at Jared Leto's Joker.

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In honor of the character’s 75th anniversary, director David Ayer has Tweeted out the very first official image of Jared Leto as the Joker in Suicide Squad. As expected, it’s drastically different than anything we’ve seen in the past and a huge departure from both Jack Nicholson and Heath Ledger’s version of the character. That being said, it’s pretty damn awesome and Leto has once again proven himself as an actor who’s capable of a tremendous physical transformation.

Featuring elements taken straight from the comics along with a few unconventional attributes, like the tattoos, this is perhaps the most deranged version of the character that we’ve seen so far, and we’re absolutely loving it. Though we’ve seen numerous teases of the look that Leto would be sporting, I don’t think anyone could of imagined that he would look this extreme. His face just screams insane and his whole appearance is incredibly disturbing. Also, that purple glove is a nice, and very creepy touch as well.

Overall, it’s a striking look and one that I think will translate quite well to the big screen. It’s also encouraging to see that they’ve gone for a look that’s so drastically different from what we’ve seen in the past, as it will help separate Leto’s version from Ledger and Nicholson’s, which is important for a character like this.

Suicide Squad hits theatres on August 5th, 2016. Until then, feast your eyes on Jared Leto as The Joker below and let us know what you think.

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