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‘One of the few times that anyone has heard Kevin Feige yell at someone’: The ongoing ‘Blade’ debacle may have cost a Marvel exec their job

You'd think he'd simply have his snipers do the dirty work instead.

via New Line Cinema

Yesterday marked the originally-announced release date for the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Blade reboot, which is incredibly ironic considering the long-delayed movie has been the subject of even more negativity over the course of the last few days.

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The latest bombshell report highlighting the franchise’s ongoing issues pushed the Daywalker’s do-over to the forefront yet again, which isn’t even surprising at this point given how many fresh coats of paint have been slapped onto the project in an effort to even get it in front of cameras, which still hasn’t happened.

Image via 20th Century Fox

In fact, according to Jeff Sneider and John Rocha’s The Hot Mic podcast, things got so heated that an unnamed high-ranking executive at Marvel has lost their job as a result, with Sneider relaying what he’d heard on the grapevine.

“He either tried to intentionally obfuscate what the draft was going to entail. Another source put it as he didn’t sound the alarm on the process and what trouble the project was in. And they’ve been, I’m told, that he was fired. Another source said it was a parting of the ways. I push back against that because I’m like, ‘Who leaves Marvel?’, right? It’s the dream job for most geek executives. I don’t think a lot of people are leaving on their own accord.

My source said, and you know Marvel didn’t comment on anything like this, but they said it’s one of the few times that anyone has actually ever heard Kevin Feige yell at someone. That was the quote. We could change that to ‘raised voice’, but it was one of the few times that this individual had heard Kevin ever raise his voice. So the executive on Blade – who I’m not going to name, you can maybe figure out who it is – is no longer with Marvel. And that is confirmed.”

Whether or not Blade really was the straw that broke the camel’s back, Marvel is now one executive lighter than it was at the start of the tortured process either way, so make of that what you will.

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