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Ray Fisher Wants Zack Snyder To Direct The Cyborg Movie

Remember a few years back when Warner Bros. merrily released its slate of upcoming DC movies? Due to behind the scenes hurdles and creative redirections, few of those have actually made it to the screen, but some are definitely on their way - The Flash and The Batman, for instance, should both be here by 2022, according to the latest intel. However, one that doesn't seem to be going anywhere right now is a Cyborg solo flick.

Remember a few years back when Warner Bros. merrily released its slate of upcoming DC movies? Due to behind the scenes hurdles and creative redirections, few of those have actually made it to the screen, but some are definitely on their way – The Flash and The Batman, for instance, should both be here by 2022, according to the latest intel. However, one that doesn’t seem to be going anywhere right now is a Cyborg solo flick.

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Originally scheduled for 2020, the film would star Ray Fisher, after he joined the DC ensemble in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice and had a bigger role in Justice League. The actor himself is naturally 100% up for featuring in his own film, but who would he get on board as director? Unsurprisingly, Fisher remains loyal to the man who cast him as Victor Stone – Zack Snyder.

“I did know about being a part of Justice League. Zack explained what the overall plan for me was at the time and that there was the potential of a Cyborg standalone down the line. Assuming the story would be grounded and compelling, I’d love to do a solo film. I think Cyborg has the potential for a superhero film unlike any we’ve seen before. If Zack were to ever come back to direct another DC film, he’d be my top pick to direct.”

Fisher has previously revealed that Snyder’s pitch to him about his vision for the character is what made him accept the job. The director explained that he saw Cyborg as a good man compromised by the alien tech used to sustain his life, meaning he could never be sure of his own allegiances. This is certainly a fascinating idea, but sadly it didn’t make it to the screen, what with Snyder being replaced on Justice League by Joss Whedon.

Joe Morton – who played Cyborg’s father Silas Stone – has told us that Victor’s arc was completely reshaped by the reshoots and in the edit suite. For one, his character was initially meant to die. Morton theorized that the deleted scenes could be used as the backbone for the Cyborg solo film and it’s certainly possible that will happen, as Fisher remains committed to both it and the character, but we just wouldn’t hold our breath for the movie to materialize anytime soon.

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