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Reavers Confirmed For Logan, First Teaser Trailer Is In The Can

Looks like the Reavers will feature in The Wolverine 3 (AKA Logan) after all, according to the film's latest Instagram post.

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Another day, another monotone image for James Mangold’s Logan to dissect. That being said, if the first wave of pictures were abstract in nature, drawing attention to the film’s drab environments and the like, we’re now beginning to clock eyes on teasers that are much more tangible.

Nipping at the heels of yesterday’s eerie unveiling of Stephen Merchant’s character (Caliban?), the wponx Instagram account has served up another black-and-white still only this time, it’s Boyd Holbrook’s Pierce that is placed front and center.

Bearing the caption ‘Reaver’, we assume that Mangold and Co. are referring to Age of Apocalypse, a story arc that had Pierce spearhead a ragtag crew of human killers known as the Reavers. In the comics, they’re portrayed as cyborg villains, but right now it’s unclear which direction Logan will take. Moreover, does this indicate that fellow Reavers such as Lady Deathstrike, Bonebreaker, Skullbuster, and Pretty Boy are in line to feature?

[wgtc_youtube video_id=”nqma02HzRZ0″]

It shouldn’t be too long before we have answers; in fact, according to Trailer Track, the film’s first teaser has just been classified by the BBFC, likely to coincide with the launch of Doctor Strange in the UK on October 25. The outlet writes that, “the trailer running 1:46 has been classified today by the BBFC (alongside a version presumably slightly re-edited for a 12A rating).” Should this report hold true, and we’re inclined to believe it will, we could have our first look at Logan in action before the week is out. Stay tuned for further details.

Also starring Patrick Stewart, Stephen Merchant (Caliban?), Richard E. Grant, and Elizabeth Rodriguez, Logan will claw its way into theaters on March 3, 2017.

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