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Report Suggests X-Men: Supernova Will Focus On Dark Phoenix, Filming To Commence In June

My Entertainment World has pulled together a report claiming X-Men: Supernova is the working title of the next X-Men film, and it'll film this June.

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Ever since the dust settled from Bryan Singer’s titanic X-Men: Apocalypse, the Powers That Be over at 20th Century Fox have sought pastures anew, extending beyond their prized universe to foster the likes of Deadpool, Logan, Legion and soon, an X-Men spinoff series. The latter property has even gained the blessing of Singer himself, who signed on to direct the pilot episode of Fox’s all-new TV series only a few weeks ago.

But for all of these exciting developments, many fans have been left wondering where the core film franchise will be in two-to-three years’ time. Fox is reportedly keen to overhaul its flagship series, and leaked production listings suggest the studio is already eyeing Chris Claremont’s The Dark Phoenix Saga as a potential avenue to explore. Adding fuel to that fire today is a new report from My Entertainment World.

Citing sources close to Fox, the outlet claims filming on the next X-Men film will begin in Montreal, Canada on June 15th. X-Men: Supernova is the alleged working title, though there’s currently no mention of a director, screenwriter, or cast to anchor the purported project.


With that in mind, treat this one with heightened caution, but until we hear anything from Fox – for better or worse – you can find the general gist of Chris Claremont’s comic, below.

“Gathered together by Professor Charles Xavier to protect a world that fears and hates them, the X-Men had fought many battles, been on adventures that spanned galaxies, grappled enemies of limitless might, but none of this could prepare them for the most shocking struggle they would ever face. One of their own members, Jean Grey, has gained power beyond all comprehension, and that power has corrupted her absolutely! Now they must decide if the life of the woman they cherish is worth the existence of the entire universe!”

If nothing else, it’s a pointed reminder that the Dark Phoenix arc may be just what the doctor ordered for the X-Men franchise, though Fox will no doubt be cautious about committing to such an ambitious project off the back of Apocalypse‘s relatively poor performance. Either way, we’ll keep you posted on this one as it develops.

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