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Robert Downey Jr. Playfully Says Why Not To An Iron Man 4 Directed By Mel Gibson

Are we all clutching at straws? Does the very fact that the Marvel fan community are eager for any morsel of news on Iron Man 4 mean we're reading way, way, way between the lines? Probably. But that doesn't mean the tiniest updates on the film won't still get us riled up. Two days back, we heard that Tony Stark himself, Robert Downey Jr. had made a throwaway comment about the future of his involvement as Iron Man. He told reporters "I'm sure we'll ride that thing. You've got to surf that all the way in to shore." Before today that was the most recent update on the hypothetical sequel, which the actor expanded upon in an interview with Deadline.

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Are we all clutching at straws? Does the very fact that the Marvel fan community are eager for any morsel of news on Iron Man 4 mean we’re reading way, way, way too far between the lines? Probably. But that doesn’t mean the tiniest updates on the film won’t still get us riled up.

Two days back, we heard that Tony Stark himself, Robert Downey Jr. had made a throwaway comment about the future of his involvement as Iron Man. He told reporters “I’m sure we’ll ride that thing. You’ve got to surf that all the way in to shore.” Before today that was the most recent update on the hypothetical sequel, which the actor expanded upon in an interview with Deadline.

When asked about his relationship with Iron Man moving forward, he said:

“That’s all being talked about on a bunch of different levels right now. To me, it comes down to what’s the half-life of people enjoying a character? It’s different on TV, where you expect the longevity over seasons while movies get a two or three year break. Marvel keeps stepping up its game, and I appreciate the way Kevin Feige and all the creatives there think.”

“So it becomes a matter of, at what point do I cease to be an asset to what they’re doing, and at what point do I feel I am spending so much time either shooting or promoting these films that I’m not actually able to get off the beachhead and do the kind of other stuff that is good for all of us. Each one of those movies is spread over two years and some people fit other things in. But I’m not 42, I’m turning 50 and now I’ll have two small kids instead of one grown one, and eight Team Downey projects with people who are imagining I’m not just spending Warner Bros’ money out of vanity, but that I’m taking it seriously. It all has become this thing that has to be figured out. It has come to a head, right now, where the points of departure will be.”

While it’s not a definitive yes or no on the flick, it seems it’s not a massive priority for Downey Jr. right now. Since joining Marvel’s Cinematic Universe in their first world-builder, 2008’s Iron Man, the actor has amassed a small fortune reprising his role as the billionaire inventor. Still, money ain’t everything, and if he wants to expand his horizons into new ventures then we can’t blame him. But what would it take to ensure his return?

In a playful end to their interview, Deadline asked the actor if he would agree to Iron Man 4 with Mel Gibson at at the helm. His response?

Why not? That movie would be bananas.

Tell us, are you fussed about Iron Man 4, or happy to see Downey Jr. tackling other projects?

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