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Robert Downey Jr. Says Heads Will Roll In Avengers: Infinity War

Who lives, who dies. That's the million-dollar question currently echoing off the walls of the Internet as we approach Avengers: Infinity War, as it's nigh on certain that Joe and Anthony Russo's comic book blockbuster will kill off at least one or two major characters in order to raise the stakes.

Who lives, who dies?

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That’s the million-dollar question currently echoing off the walls of the Internet as we approach Avengers: Infinity War, as it’s nigh on certain that Joe and Anthony Russo’s comic book blockbuster will kill off at least one or two major characters in order to raise the stakes.

In fact, with Thanos and his Black Order imminent, one could argue that the stakes have never been higher, and at least according to Robert Downey Jr., Marvel isn’t messing around this time. Though we’ve been promised high stakes in the past, the actor told Entertainment Weekly (who blew the lid right off the film earlier today) that for Infinity War, it’s a “heads-will-roll scenario.”

“Believe me, I’m tired of every movie, you know, “It’s the end! It’s Armageddon! It’s the Be All, End All, Forever!” And then it’s… not. This one actually is. They’re not kidding. This is a heads-will-roll scenario.”

RDJ is right when he says that a good number of MCU films have promised something along the lines of “it’s the end” or “it’s armageddon” only for that promise not to be delivered on. But with everything we’ve heard so far about Infinity War, we’ve every reason to believe the studio this time. It is, after all, the culmination of the entire franchise to date and with the pic said to forever change the MCU moving forward, you’d best be prepared to say goodbye to some of your favorite heroes.

Touted as an event movie that’s unlike any other, we’ll be able to find out what all the fuss is about once Avengers: Infinity War descends upon theaters on April 27th. The fourth, so-far untitled Avengers movie will then release in May of 2019, by which point viewers will be acquainted with Brie Larson’s Carol Danvers and her ’90s-set origin story. March 8th, 2019 is the date for your diaries.

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