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46% Of Americans Would Support Dwayne Johnson Running For President

Dwayne Johnson has reacted to a new poll which found that nearly half of Americans would support him if he ran for president.

Hobbs & Shaw Dwayne Johnson

Not only has The Rock owned the wrestling scene and transformed himself into one of the biggest movie stars in the world, but there’s increasing talk that he may end up switching to politics, potentially even running for the presidency. He’s far from the point of officially announcing his campaign or anything like that, but it sounds like most folks would support him if he did. In fact, a new poll has found that almost half of Americans would back Dwayne Johnson‘s run for office. And the man himself has reacted to the news.

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A survey hosted by Pipslay polled over 30,100 people and determined that 46% of them would support Johnson’s hypothetical presidential bid, and a further 58% would back him entering the political sphere in a more general sense. That percentage would also do the same for Matthew McConaughey, who’s revealed he’s considering running for governor of Texas.

When he discovered the news on social media, The Rock had the perfect response, saying:

“Not sure our Founding Fathers ever envisioned a six-four, bald, tattooed, half-Black, half-Samoan, tequila drinking, pick up truck driving, fanny pack wearing guy joining their club – but if it ever happens it’d be my honor to serve the people.”

That’s an interesting reply from Johnson. He’s obviously slightly poking fun at the idea of him becoming president, but it doesn’t sound like he’s ruling it out. The wording “if it ever happens” may be pretty telling, too, as it suggests he’s at least considering the option of running for office at some stage. This echoes comments he’s made before on the topic, saying that he would give it a shot “if that’s what the people wanted.”

Though there has been talk of “President Johnson” becoming a thing for a few years, the concept gained a lot more popularity over the past 12 months. Last summer, Dwayne Johnson shared an impassioned eight-minute plea to then-President Trump to demonstrate “more compassionate leadership” during the pandemic, which left everyone impressed with his eloquence and oratory skill. Again, he’s said that he’d run for president if it’s what the people want, and it turns out that nearly 50% of them do.

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