After the late Paul Walker’s tragic passing, studios have been scrambling to recast his roles. Agent 47, originally thought to be a reboot of Hitman, but later confirmed to be a sequel, is one such film that needed to hire a new assassin.
Luckily, an already seasoned killer has been signed in the form of Homeland star Rupert Friend. In Showtime’s hit show, Friend’s character Peter Quinn is a black ops officer well-versed in the language of killing silently, a mindset that will help in reinventing the bald elite assassin in Agent 47.
With Walker’s passing, a major film star will not be present. However, 20th Century Fox is confident that the popularity of the franchise will be enough to rake in the dough. And who knows, Friend might be so convincing that audiences will flock to the theaters to see him in action. Only time will tell.
As a huge fan of Friend’s and of Homeland, I can definitely see why they chose him to play the stoic assassin. Just like in the image above, he has a penchant of being extremely intimidating and offers death stares for days. Sounds like a cold blooded killer to me.
Agent 47 is written by Kyle Ward, Skip Woods, and Michael Finch, and will be directed by Aleksander Bach. We’ll keep you posted when we hear more.
Published: Jan 10, 2014 07:31 pm