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Here’s How Sam Wilson May Look As The New Captain America

By the close of Avengers: Endgame, Steve Rogers was now an old man after electing to go back in time and get hitched to Peggy Carter. This led him to entrust his shield, mantle and legacy to his pal Sam Wilson, decreeing him the new Captain America. It's a major change to the status quo that has fans excited for the future of the MCU. Specifically, we should soon see Wilson suit up as the next Sentinel of Liberty in Disney Plus' Falcon and Winter Soldier TV series. 

Falcon in Avengers Infinity War

By the close of Avengers: EndgameSteve Rogers was now an old man after electing to go back in time and get hitched to Peggy Carter. This led him to entrust his shield, mantle and legacy to his pal Sam Wilson, decreeing him the new Captain America. It’s a major change to the status quo that has fans excited for the future of the MCU. Specifically, we should soon see Wilson suit up as the next Sentinel of Liberty in Disney Plus’ Falcon and Winter Soldier TV series.

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But what would Sam-Cap look like? We’ve previously had one interpretation of the character’s new look and now, here’s another. Fan artist Jakub Maslowski shared this epic piece on his Instagram page, which swaps out the more washed-out colors of the Falcon’s outfit for the brighter red, white and blues that we associate with Captain America. Though of course, he’s still got his signature wings.

See for yourself in the gallery below:

At this stage, all we have to go on is the work of talented fans as it doesn’t sound like Marvel Studios have got around to creating a Cap costume for Anthony Mackie yet. At least, the man himself hasn’t seen it if they have. The star recently revealed that it doesn’t feel like he’s Captain America yet as he hasn’t had to wear the suit, though he’s looking forward to that big moment when production on Falcon and Winter Soldier begins later this year.

Story details on the series have yet to be officially revealed, but Mackie believes it’ll explore “life after Cap”, meaning how Sebastian Stan’s Bucky Barnes and Sam will pick themselves up after the retirement of Steve Rogers. Stylistically, the show is thought to be a spy thriller that harks back to the tone of Captain America: The Winter Soldier. 

That’s all we know for the moment, but tell us, are you excited for Sam Wilson’s Captain America? Let us know in the comments section down below.

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