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Roundtable Interview With Saoirse Ronan On Hanna

Rising star and apparently avid Lady Gaga fan Saoirse Ronan recently spoke to us while promoting her new film Hanna. The young actress stars as the titular character, who goes on a large scale journey to find herself and stop a cold and ruthless CIA agent from killing her. Ronan's character Hanna is a secret government project raised by Eric Heller (Eric Bana). Heller is training Hanna with different sets of survival and fighting skills, as well as educating her. Heller plans to unleash Hanna onto her pursuer, the cold hearted CIA agent Marissa Weigler (Cate Blanchett).

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Rising star and apparently avid Lady Gaga fan Saoirse Ronan recently spoke to us while promoting her new film Hanna. The young actress stars as the titular character, who goes on a large scale journey to find herself and stop a cold and ruthless CIA agent from killing her. Ronan’s character Hanna is a secret government project raised by Eric Heller (Eric Bana). Heller is training Hanna with different sets of survival and fighting skills, as well as educating her. He plans to unleash Hanna onto her pursuer, the cold hearted CIA agent Marissa Weigler (Cate Blanchett).

Ronan is one of Hollywood’s fastest rising stars. With notable roles in recent films like The Way Back and The Lovely Bones, the young actress is quickly making a name for herself. She is also linked to a number of high profile upcoming films like The Hobbit (which she claims is a rumor) and The Brothers Grimm: Snow White. Director Joe Wright is also eyeing Ronan for his next film, Anna Karenina.

To clear things up, Ronan first made it clear that she is currently unconfirmed for any role in The Hobbit. The actress then went onto talk about what it was like to film Hanna during the cold weather in Finland and the extreme desert heat in Morocco. Ronan talked about all the different types of layering she had to wear during filming in Finland, ranging from deer skin and a fur hat to fingerless gloves. Despite this, she did have fun during the shoot.

When asked about what skills she thought she could use from the training she had received from filming she said that she would take the hand-to-hand combat skills as well as archery skills. She did add that she would also take her skills from her firearms training but said that she would probably never use them in real life. As to what she would never use, she said that she would never use her stick combat. When you watch the film you will probably understand why she or anyone else for that matter would use such a skill.

During filming the actress celebrated her 16th birthday and was fortunate enough to be working on that day. But like any normal sixteen year old, she is a huge fan of music and loves Lady Gaga, she even managed to work a concert into the busy production schedule and took director Joe Wright as her date.

One of the things that is fantastic about this movie, aside from Cate Blanchett’s character’s cold demeanor, is that you get to see Ronan do some pretty amazing stunts. I say pretty amazing only because these are stunts a 16 year old is doing and to see her fly across the screen is something pretty spectacular. She said that she never felt scared to do any of the stunts and that all the stunt workers made her feel safe throughout the process.

I won’t dive too much further into the interview as I want you to experience it for yourself. Check out the full audio below and be sure to see Hanna when it hits theatres on April 8th. Also, take a listen to our interview with director Joe Wright and out interview with star Eric Bana. And be sure to give our Hanna review a read.

Unfortunately, the audio file for this interview has been removed. Sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause.

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