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Saw’s Leigh Whannell Hired To Write Escape From New York Remake

When it comes time to discuss the illustrious career of a director such as John Carpenter, it can become rather difficult to choose a single favorite from his films. But as much as I love Halloween and Big Trouble in Little China, I think Escape from New York actually takes the cake for me.


When it comes time to discuss the illustrious career of a director such as John Carpenter, it can become rather difficult to choose a single favorite from his films. But as much as I love Halloween and Big Trouble in Little China, I think Escape from New York actually takes the cake for me.

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Funny enough, a follow-up arrived years later in the form of Escape from L.A., but the plot was so similar to the original that you could consider it to simultaneously be a sequel and a remake. Still, Hollywood has been wanting to get an actual remake off the ground for some time now.

If you’re in the same boat as I, then today’s news should bring a smile to your face because – get this – Fox has enlisted none other than Leigh Whannell to pen the screenplay for Escape from New York‘s revival. That’s right, the same guy who co-created Saw and Insidious is writing this bad boy – and possibly directing.

I don’t know about you, but I think Whannell just might be the right fit for this project. Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t see him dumbing down the concept or betraying what made the original so great in order to craft a summer blockbuster out to make a quick buck.

For those who’ve been keeping score at home, there have been a number of false starts on such a remake over the years. In fact, the closest I remember one seeing daylight was just over a decade ago. But thanks to the writers strike occurring and lead actor Gerard Butler exiting to presumably star in more romantic comedies, that iteration of the production fell apart. Robert Rodriguez was attached to direct more recently, though it looks like that’s behind him.

As always, it’s recommended that you keep watching this space for more because there could very well be additional Escape from New York news to report on in the near future.

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