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7 Things We Learnt From The Second Wonder Woman Trailer

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice might not have been the critical darling that DC were hoping it would be, but one of its elements that viewers were eager to see more of is Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman. She basically only had a glorified cameo in the movie, but her triumphant introduction in full armour during the battle against Doomsday was a true punch-the-air moment. After 75 years, the most iconic female superhero has finally made her way to the big screen.

6) Diana Is A True Hero

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Something that many people rallied against in Man of Steel and BvS was the presentation of both Bats and Supes as flawed, troubled beings whose primary aim didn’t really seem to be helping people but sorting out their own issues instead. This new Wonder Woman trailer, however, promises that Diana will be very different from those two, as shown in her pure motives for leaving Themyscira and fighting in the war.

When Steve Trevor comes to the island and tells them about “the war to end all wars” and “weapons far deadlier than you could ever imagine,” Diana is apparently horrified enough to say goodbye to her people and venture into Man’s World (taking the mystical Sword of Athena with her).


When her mother Hippolyta asks her why, she says she “cannot stand by while innocent lives are lost.” It also seems that she’s inspired to make this choice by the death of another Amazonian when soldiers come to the island and attack, introducing her to guns – which she is visibly appalled by.

This true heroism is something we haven’t really seen before in the DCEU, as even Superman stood by and let things happen for most of his life in Man of Steel. It’s great to see here though, even if we know that later on something so terrible will happen that Diana gives up on humanity for all those years.

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