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SnyderVerse supporters fail to see the irony in deeming one hashtag less relevant than the other

Priorities and such.

Image via Warner Bros.

While you can’t fault their ambition, you do have to question the common sense behind SnyderVerse supporters remaining steadfast in their belief that the campaign will eventually succeed in its goal of having Zack Snyder’s abandoned corner of the DCU resurrected and restored.

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After all, it’s been well over half a decade of consistent hashtags and “movements” sweeping social media with the intent of forcing Warner Bros.’ hand into relenting and giving them exactly what they want, even though current studio co-CEO James Gunn has underlined more than once that it simply isn’t going to happen.

There were hopes that last weekend’s Full Circle event would end with the news they’d all been waiting for, only for the three-day celebration of all things SnyderVerse to come and go without so much as a peep. Sure, Snyder was talking about his projects in the present and future tense, but that’s not exactly tangible.

via Warner Bros.

However, things have taken another unexpectedly deluded turn after it was suggested that the #SellZSJLToNetflix tag be abandoned in favor of the classic #RestoreTheSnyderVerse, with the former being deemed less relevant than the latter.

Obviously, that begs the question as to why one should take precedence when neither of them have actually accomplished anything, but that’s a theoretical deep dive for another day. Either way, you can’t help but admire the gall to deem one as “kind of a dumb concept” while the other escapes without scorn.

Looking back, the worst thing WB could have done is make the four-hour cut of Justice League a reality; it’s definitely a substantially superior movie to its cursed predecessor, but it’s only emboldened the SnyderVerse subset even further, with the chances of a restoration actually happening as slim as they were at the start.

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