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Star Wars: 10 Characters Who Could Be The Last Jedi

Despite being only ten months away, we still know practically nothing about Episode VIII. Except, the title of the movie, that is, which knocked the internet off kilter when it was revealed the other week. Just what can we glean about the film from the moniker Star Wars: The Last Jedi, though?

2) Rey

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One of two characters that immediately sprung to mind when thinking about who The Last Jedi could refer to is Rey. After living her life as a scrappy orphan on Jakku, Rey found out that she had an incredible amount of raw talent in the ways of the Force. In fact, the movie’s title The Force Awakens probably refers to her.

It doesn’t take a large leap of the imagination, then, to assume that the next stage of her journey is to train under Luke and become a Jedi. And, assuming that The Last Jedi borrows as much from the original trilogy as much as Force Awakens didthen Luke will die at the end of the movie – leaving Rey as the true last Jedi.

This is so obvious an idea that we really hope there’s more to it than that. Many fans complained about how shamelessly Episode VII pilfered plot elements from A New Hope, so for the next movie to be just as reliant on the past would really infuriate many.

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