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8 Reasons Why We Can’t Stop Talking About X-Men: Days Of Future Past

8) Adult-orientated and Pushes the Boundaries of a PG-13 Movie

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Mom always said that swearing doesn’t make you big or clever, but throw it in a superhero film and it’ll make us fanboys squirm in delight. Yes, that’s right, there’s an F-bomb in X-Men: Days of Future Past and surprisingly, it isn’t Wolverine who says it – it’s Xavier. No, not Patrick Stewart, sadly. James McAvoy teases us with it … and we honestly didn’t expect him to follow through. But he did, and it was glorious!

It isn’t all ‘effs’ though, the film is relentless with its action. And why wouldn’t it be when one of the central characters has metal claws shooting out of his knuckles? There’s something primal about the feeling you get in your stomach when Wolverine lets loose on his victims, and it’s no different here. We’ve grown accustomed to the character pinning foes to fridges and plunging his blades through doors, and we’re happy to report it’s business as usual for Logan.

Along with gunshot wounds (headshots no less), blood splatter and more, X-Men: Days of Future Past matches its action with the weight of its story. Mutants are impaled like superhero kebabs, lives are lost, and Bryan Singer really doesn’t care. In a movie about time-travel the gloves are pretty much off in terms of who bites the bullet and who survives – but when they do fall, so do the vanilla expectations of a PG-13 rating.

We’re not completely bloodthirsty though, and we can see the action does serve its purpose. As well as being as inventive as ever (Iceman anybody?) it serves to add a level of realism. The stakes are high and lives are lost … they’re just lost in a really awesome way.

So, there you have it. Just a few of the reasons that we can’t stop talking about how much we love X-Men: Days Of Future Past. Feel free to head on down to the comments section and tell us what you thought of the film.

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