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Subtitles Reveal Who Snoke And Luke Are Talking To In The Last Jedi Trailer

Daisy Ridley's Rey, the Jakku orphan who helped usher in a new generation of heroes through The Force Awakens, looks set to experience something of an existential crisis in Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

“I need someone to show me my place in all of this.”

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Daisy Ridley’s Rey, the Jakku orphan who helped usher in a new generation of heroes through The Force Awakens, looks set to experience something of an existential crisis in Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

Caught between the First Order and the “vulnerable” Resistance, last we checked in on Ridley’s heroine she had made contact with Luke Skywalker, the Jedi Master who has spent years in exile following the destruction of his Jedi Academy, presumably at the hands of Kylo Ren.

But when it comes to Rey, in particular, ever since The Last Jedi‘s grand reveal early last week, the Internet has been awash with weird and wonderful fan theories concerning her, KyloLuke and Supreme Leader Snoke, and how they all intertwine. To make matters more interesting, Lucasfilm’s much-touted promo was edited in such a way that, by the time the sequel’s crimson title appeared on screen, the Star Wars community was left with more questions than answers. And isn’t that what a trailer is all about? Still, the hunt for hints continues and if a user on Reddit is to be believed, we might just have some more.

According to them, the Taiwanese version of the trailer, which obviously has subtitles, could indicate who Snoke and Luke are talking to at pivotal points in the preview. As you’re well aware of, the word “you” is used several times in the footage and though it’s gender neutral in English, in Taiwan, they use different symbols for male and female.

So, with that in mind, the subtitles would seem to reveal that Snoke’s opening line, where he says “When I found you, I saw raw, untamed power,” is being said to a female, which would obviously be Rey. Meanwhile, at the end when he says, “Fulfill your destiny,” he’s talking to Kylo, as the male symbol is used. And, finally, when Luke says, “This is not going to go the way you think,” he’s actually talking to a guy. While there could be a few possibilities for who he may be speaking to here, it would seem the most likely option is Kylo.

All that being said, there’s obviously a chance that things simply got lost in translation and without any concrete evidence to back this up, we advise taking it with a pinch of salt. After all, remember when international translations for The Last Jedi indicated that “Jedi” was plural, even though Rian Johnson has since confirmed it’s singular?

These subtitles are interesting to consider, sure, but we’re more inclined to believe that the trailer is merely an example of clever editing, much like how Star Wars: The Force Awakens originally framed John Boyega’s Finn as the up-and-coming Jedi. Either way, the speculation will likely continue to swirl right up until December 15th, when Star Wars: The Last Jedi is due to drop in theaters.

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