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Superman’s Missing In This New Justice League Photo

With a new trailer for Justice League set to arrive this spring, we imagine that the promotional campaign for Zack Snyder's upcoming DCEU entry will begin to pick up shortly. Photos, clips, posters and more will soon start to hit the web, as Warner Bros. aggressively markets what's sure to be one of 2017's biggest films. The studio's got a lot riding on this one - the entire future of the DCEU, some might say - and they need to do everything they can to ensure it's a hit both critically and commercially.

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UPDATE: A hi-res version of the photo has now been released and can be seen above.

With a new trailer for Justice League set to arrive this spring, we imagine that the promotional campaign for Zack Snyder’s upcoming superhero team-up flick will begin to pick up shortly. Photos, clips, posters and more will soon start to hit the web, as Warner Bros. aggressively markets what’s sure to be one of 2017’s biggest films.

The studio’s got a lot riding on this one – the entire future of the DCEU, some might say, given how poorly Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice and Suicide Squad were received – and they need to do everything they can to ensure it’s a hit both critically and commercially. And so, while we wait for things to truly kick off with the promotional material, a new, albeit blurry photo from the film has emerged today.

[wgtc_youtube video_id=”QhbpnLs8ObQ”]

Seemingly taken from a magazine, it shows the titular heroes emerging from the Flying Fox, ready for battle. It doesn’t reveal much, but there is one thing that’s notable here, and that’s the absence of Superman. We know that he’s set to be resurrected at some point in the movie, but we don’t know how it’ll happen or when it will occur. The fact that he’s not in this photo though leads us to believe that he may not return until closer to the end.

Despite the lack of the Big Blue Boy Scout, the image above is still a great shot. Low quality aside, it’s exciting to see these heroes assembled together like this and has us hopeful that maybe the third time will be the charm for the DC Extended Universe. After all, the studio knows how important Justice League is and you have to believe that they’ve learned from their previous mistakes, right?

Tell us, do you think Zack Snyder has a hit on his hands here? Sound off below and give us your thoughts!

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