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The breadcrumbs left behind by a wasted favorite sums up the problem with Zack Snyder’s overstuffed DCU

Where did it lead? What did it mean? Nowhere, and nothing.

batman v superman dawn of justice
via Warner Bros.

Now that we can safely sift through the rubble of the SnyderVerse after it’s been made clear on a number of occasions that neither Warner Bros. or DC Studios co-CEO James Gunn are interested in a resurrection, has enough time passed to admit that some of Zack Snyder’s ideas were terrible?

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As vocal and vociferous as his backers have been for over half a decade and counting, the more we hear about the abandoned plans for a pair of Justice League sequels, the more it’s starting to sound as though everyone dodged a huge spandex-clad bullet, with the treatment of Jimmy Olsen being singled out as a particularly potent exclamation point.

Comic book fans were less than thrilled to discover that one of the most pivotal cogs in the Superman lore was reduced to little more than a glorified cameo, one that repositioned him as an undercover government agent who then proceeded to get shot in the head in the opening act to render his entire involvement pointless.

However, it’s since been noted on Twitter that the CIA iteration of Jimmy Olsen has his code name revealed as “Talon,” which was the alter ego of William Cobb from the Court of Owls. That’s a cameo that rewrites comic history doubling down as a trail of breadcrumbs that leads to an Easter Egg that’s tied to the one of the Dark Knight’s most famous adversaries, for those keeping count.

Between that, Bruce Wayne and Lois Lane hooking up, Zeus and Ares being Kryptonians directly responsible for the origins of Themiscyra and the Amazons, as well as Lex Luthor saving the universe by flying a nuke into Darkseid’s ship in Justice League 3, maybe the SnyderVerse is better off dead.

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