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The Internet Disagrees With Lady Gaga’s House Of Gucci Accent Assessment

Based on the early reactions, we can expect Ridley Scott's House of Gucci to be one of the most polarizing would-be prestige dramas of the year when it comes to theaters in two weeks.

Based on the early reactions, we can expect Ridley Scott’s House of Gucci to be one of the most polarizing would-be prestige dramas of the year when it comes to theaters in two weeks.

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Following the red carpet premiere of the sensationalized true-life story, critics were fawning over the film and lauding it as an instant front-runner in the Academy Awards race. However, just as many people deemed it to exist at the complete opposite end of the spectrum, instead touting House of Gucci as a potential Razzie contender.

Another aspect of the movie nobody can seem to agree with is Lady Gaga’s accent, which she spent well over a year attempting to master, before remaining in character for the duration of the shoot. The singer and actress believes there’s been far too much attention placed on her Method stylings, but the internet disagrees.


As you can no doubt glean from those reactions, the consensus on Lady Gaga’s House of Gucci accent remains split right down the middle, as some folks praise the authenticity while others deride her for sounding like a caricature. A difference of opinion can often lead to an increase in buzz, though, so maybe the constant conversation swirling around the film will ultimately yield a nice little bump at the box office.

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