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Sources Insist Snoke Will Be Back For Star Wars: Episode IX

The Star Wars: Episode IX hype train will soon leave the station and begin to accelerate. Industry insiders say we may learn the title of the movie this week, and though we didn't get a trailer at the Super Bowl, I can guarantee it's being cooked up right this second and will be before us sometime in the next few months.

Snoke in Star Wars: Episode IX

The Star Wars: Episode IX hype train will soon leave the station and begin to accelerate. Industry insiders say we may learn the title of the movie this week, and though we didn’t get a trailer at the Super Bowl, I can guarantee it’s being cooked up right this second and will be before us sometime in the next few months.

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But that’s all in the future. Right now, all we have to go on as to what’s in Episode IX are a handful of casting details and some pictures from the shoot that give us a few clues, but not anything close to a full picture. Infamous YouTuber Mike Zeroh claims to know something nobody else does, though, as mysterious unknown sources have leaked to him that Supreme Leader Snoke, last seen lying bisected on the floor in The Last Jedi, will be back in flashback form.

Here’s what he had to say in one of his new videos about a scene that’s apparently in the film:

“Now specifically a description of a younger version of Supreme Leader Snoke, described to be in a white cloak with the hood off of his head. It’s described that Snoke is examining a large fire of a tall structure, that appears to be a Jedi temple. It’s said that Snoke is standing on a prime Jedi mosaic, nearly the same one seen in The Last Jedi – however, at a different temple.  It’s also described that in the distance there are dead bodies in the same white cloaks, that are described as ancient Jedi that have been around for years. The next goes over the younger version of Snoke with a white ignited blade, which is said to be a distant shot. It’s described that Snoke eventually vanishes into the dust.”

Given that Zeroh’s sources seem to feed him a new bit Snoke news roughly every week (adding up to I think maybe 100 videos just on Snoke), I’d take this with a whole ocean of salt. In the run-up to The Last Jedi, he was publishing videos claiming that Snoke was definitely Darth Plagueis, that it was confirmed that the film would feature a lightsaber battle between Luke and Snoke and that Snoke was holding Luke’s wife hostage(?!).

Let’s face it, Star Wars: Episode IX is unlikely to waste time getting into the backstory of a character who was never particularly interesting in the first place and whose death was greeted with a collective shrug by most. Far, far more interesting is the story of Kylo Ren and General Hux, two characters with a little bit of depth to them that we now get to see grappling with real power and with their destinies in their own hands. With that potential gold dust waiting to be mined, J.J. Abrams would be a fool to even have his characters mention Snoke.

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