The fifth installment in the Scream film franchise is hitting theaters next month and fans are anxiously awaiting its arrival. The popular horror movie series has garnered an incredible fan base worldwide, and it’s been kicked into full gear over the last few months.
With special anniversary showings happening in October, the 25th anniversary of the film’s debut on Dec. 20, and the 2022 installment in the Scream franchise hitting theaters on Jan. 14, there’s a lot of rumble in Ghostface’s realm.
Stills and a trailer for the film have already hit the internet, and today Scream got its official R rating. The MPA shared ratings for several upcoming movies, and Scream was on the list.
Scream – Rated R for strong bloody violence, language throughout, and some sexual references.
Scream franchise fans are excited about the rating, taking to Reddit’s r/horror subreddit to herald the news of it being a (wink, nudge) adult-only movie-watching experience. They noted that they’d be disappointed if the anticipated movie would earn anything less than an R rating, and appeared eager to see what the warning of “strong bloody violence” was all about.
One fan declared, “I’d be disappointed if it was less than R worthy.”
One fan called the rating “just what the doctor ordered.”
For yet another fan, the R rating held promise of a fantastic horror experience, reflected in the comment, “This should be good, can’t wait.”