Does Anyone Actually Want A Venom Standalone Film?
This is the multimillion-dollar question here. The Amazing Spider-Man franchise proved one thing: no one really cared about an expanded Spidey cinematic universe. The audience wants to see the wall-crawler take on his impressive rogues’ gallery, but no one’s screaming for a movie about the villains. Or a stupid Aunt May solo film for that matter, which would’ve explored her riveting adventures of washing reds and blues and baking space cookies for her and Anna Watson.
There’s certainly enough potential to make a great Venom film, but Sony needs to get Spider-Man right first. Once that’s done, then consider expanding and exploring other characters. This new era is still young and needs time to grow. Sony should give it just that (and continue working with Marvel), and it will flourish. But for now, this spinoff should be put on the backburner.
Tell us, do you want to see a Venom film? Is it a good idea, or just a cash-grab by Sony? Let us know in the comments section below.