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Vin Diesel Takes A Meeting With Marvel

Vin Diesel has once more hinted that he might join the Marvel Universe. Only two weeks ago, he announced via his Facebook page that Marvel requested a meeting with him. That meeting has now taken place, and Diesel left very impressed.

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Vin Diesel has once more hinted that he might join the Marvel Universe. Only two weeks ago, he announced via his Facebook page that Marvel had requested a meeting with him. That meeting recently took place, and Diesel left very impressed.

Following the meeting, Diesel took once more to his Facebook page. He left us these words:

Marvel meeting today…

Only the people in the room can tell you what was discussed…

P.s. Thanks to Our page, for pushing to make it happen… you know I get tunnel vision with my work… and after that meeting today… wow!

With Comic Con only a week away, Diesel’s meeting seems excellently timed. If the studio does want him to enter the Marvel Universe, what better place to announce it than at the Marvel Studios presentation next Saturday? Marvel has three unannounced films set to hit in 2016-17; perhaps Diesel is in talks for one of them.

Vin Diesel could also be preparing for a part in Guardians Of The Galaxy, which has just begun production in London. As far as we know, the voices of Groot and Thanos have not yet been cast. Diesel has expressed his desire to play a villainous part, so Thanos could be a good bet, but I’m sort of pulling for Groot. When you think of Vin Diesel, don’t you think of an alien tree?

Last summer, Diesel also changed his Facebook profile picture to an image of Vision, an android member of The Avengers. I just went through some early pictures of Vision and he does greatly resemble our favorite baldie.

There are lots of options for Diesel in the Marvel Universe, but in the end this is all speculation. What we do know is that Marvel’s interested in Vin Diesel for something, and that something will likely be a big part in one of the many films they plan to roll out in the next few years. Diesel has longtime experience anchoring tentpole films, so it was only a matter of time before he wound up in the DC or Marvel Universes.

As I am not a big comic book person, I would love to hear from those that are. What Marvel role do you think Vin Diesel would fit into? Any of the above, or something we have not even touched on? Let us know in the comments below.

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